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Толстые коты. Самое трогательное искусство в сети

26/09/2016 — 11:38

Канадский фотограф и художник Питер Холдс создал удивительную серию снимков «Толстые коты», которая набирает популярность в социальной сети Instagram.

На ней мужчина запечатлел 18 хвостатых разных пород в том числе британские, лесные, сиамские и даже сфинксы.

Все они на порядок больше обычных сородичей своих пород, потому что страдают от ожирения, которое не так часто встречается в животном мире.

Интернет-слава пришла к Питеру несколько лет назад, когда он сделал серию фотографий «Старые, но полные надежды» про собак, которые прожили со своими хозяевами больше 15 лет, а потом были сданы в приюты или выгнаны из дома.

Hey Gang! Today's Old Faithful is Kirah! Here is Valerie with some thoughts on her bestie: "I got Kirah when he was an adorable 2 month-old puppy. He’s a huge Alaskan Malamute and now weighs 120 pounds, but back then he was actually small enough to fit in a cat carrier. He was just like a little fluffy and slightly overweight Teddy Bear.He was a lot of trouble in his youth. He kept eating stuff he should not. I had to take him to the vet once because he shallowed an entire corn cob and did not eat for 3 days. Another time he chewed a flashlight and burnt his mouth with battery acid. He also ate half a door to get out of the bedroom while I was away. You think he would eventually learn his lesson and stop gobbling everything, but no. He’s a giant stomach on four legs with a wagging tail.He’s almost 9 now. He’s slower than he used to be. Sometimes after a walk he has trouble getting up the stairs. We had to remove a tumor on his head 2 years ago, but fortunately it was benign. This year he had an indolent ulcer on his left eye that took almost 2 months to heal. My baby is getting old. I can barely conceive life without him. He was by my side all of my adult life. When I moved from Quebec to Toronto 3 years ago, I didn’t know anybody in this city. But I never felt lonely because he was with me, and I was not scared because he was there to protect me.I can only hope he will be by my side for many more years. One thing is certain: I will be by his until his very last breath." For more stories like this one please pick up a copy of OLD FAITHFUL:Dogs of a Certain Age #alaskanmalamute #alaska #oldog #furever #unconditional #dogsoftoronto #doggy #doggie #dogs #dogbook #huge #adoptdontshop #adopt #quebec #dogsoftoronto #dogsofinstagram #lovedogs #the6 #thesix Фото опубликовано Fat Cats / Old Faithful Photo (@pete.thorne.photo) Фев 17 2016 в 10:31 PST

ute agoDetails Happy Black (dog) Friday! I hope everybody rushes out and purchases their copy (and one for a gift) of OLD FAITHFUL! To celebrate here is today's Old Faithful, 13yr old Black Lab Kobi. Here is Lisa with her story of Kobi: "13 years ago, my brother was accepted to the police force, bought a house, and got a dog. Kobi is a purebred English Labrador Retriever, and was about the cutest thing you'd ever seen. However after a few years of living with a hectic, and often-unpredictable police officer's schedule, it became clear that Kobi deserved to be with a family who had more time – but certainly no one could give him more love that us – to give him. Off Kobi went to live with a wonderful family with two young girls, who lived on a hobby farm. Kobi spent his formative years chasing deers, playing with his kids, and waiting patiently for their school bus at the end of the drive. However, fate intervened. Two years ago, my brother happened upon the family while out one night. Circumstances were such that Kobi needed to be re-homed; would we take him? My parents accepted with open arms. The day came for Kobi to 'come back home'. The family all came to see him off; each girl in turn said her goodbye to him. As the story now goes, my mom was waving goodbye to them from the back door of the house. Kobi took one look at them, turned around and walked inside with my mom. He never even looked back. He was home." Be sure to pick up a copy of OLD FAITHFUL for more old doggies and their stories! #blackfriday #blackdog #blackdogsrule #oldfaithful #oldfaithfuldogs #adoptdontshop #dogs #doggie #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #dogslife #seniordogs #senior #book #olddogsrule #rescuedog #smile @_tomhardy_ #ellendegeneres @theellenshow @oprah Фото опубликовано Fat Cats / Old Faithful Photo (@pete.thorne.photo) Ноя 27 2015 в 9:54 PST

Об удивительной и трогательной фотосессии написали ведущие мировые издания и телеканалы.

Для своих героев-моделей художник сейчас планирует создать страницы в Facebook и Instagram, где бы он смог рассказать про судьбу каждого из них.

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